We're all about providing a better experience to your guests

Luxury is the time and space in modern world

HotelsBridge aims at improving hotel communication by providing software that helps the guest in getting full satisfaction that he deserves. Its not just a solution to communication but a luxury that you can provide. There are various companies offering room service/ordering services, but We are a step ahead as we can provide a combination of both ordering and keeping it all in order. Not only will your guests be able to order room service through our portal but also, order/request housekeeping needs.

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Services We Offer

HotelsBridge provides everything you need to accept orders directly from the guest using a web portal that is tailored to suit your needs.


Guest scans the QR code from the room, which will open a portal on their phone where they can make any housekeeping request with ease.

Room Service

Ordering room service is simple with HotelsBridge as the guest only have to choose what they want to order and submit.

Easy Information

At HotelsBridge we believe that our job is to provide a luxury to your guests. So that they would remmember the stay.

How it works?

Placing an Order

We don't want your guest to make an order using telephone anymore, where they have to wait for the operator to respond. Instead they can scan the QR code and look for what they need on HotelsBridge portal.

Menu Opens

A menu opens where they can choose what they want to order. Add to the cart, submit and let the staff take care of it, while they enjoy their stay.

Adds to the Cart & Submit

Once the guest has verified the order then they have to select the payment method and submit.

Staff receives

Your staff receives the order on the HotelsBridge app and sends the ordered items to the room.

Guest Receives the Ordered Items

Congratulations! You've just made your guest happy by introducing the advanced way of making order.

Provide a Luxury Experience To Your Guests

Consistent customer feedback, bespoke communications, tracing key metrics and integrating executive attention are some of the strategies we used to develop this programme.

All you need to provide a luxury experience to your guests

HotelsBridge Dining
A Simple Table Based Ordering System
HotelsBridge aims at improving hotel communication by providing software that can helps the guest in getting full satisfaction that he deserves. Its not just a solution to communication but a luxury that you can provide.
HotelsBridge Hospitality
A Complete Hotel Communication & Ordering Solution
Imagine checking in to your room for a relaxing stay and yet for every need you need to call reception. We are providing a one stop solution to all your customer needs. All you need is a working smartphone and network connection.